Ok, am I getting too mature to watch this show? Usually I love a good laugh and they ALWAYS make me feel better about myself. I am not a fan of the new housewives:
Gretchen – Her cackle laugh is like nails on a chalkboard
Lynn-I can’t stand her self-indulged spoiled little BMW 18yr old birthday present I just graduated high school have and have no intentions of getting a job anytime soon daughter. Good greif. And she’s got to be on some sort of depressant medication because she has no emotions. Either that or she has a IV botox drip running through her veins constantly.
And last, but not least…..
Gina – needs to slap around her disrespectful bratty boys (I hope Shane’s girlfriend is paying attention to how he is treating his mother! Can you say RED FLAG!!)
I can’t wait for NY. My girl Bethany would kick the shit out of all those OC biatches, even if she is a basket case God love her.
So, I am re-evaluating my races for this spring/summer and decided not to do one of the half-marathons. Its 70 bucks and frankly I don’t know if it’s worth it for a training run. I’m going to nix it. I also realized that I named all my half-marathon’s “marathons” on the side of my blog. Boy, I looked like I was pretty cool there didn’t I. 2 marathons in three weeks. No, sorry to say I am not that cool.
Anybody out there doing the Seattle Rock N’ Roll Half? I emailed the race people about the headlining concerts, but they said they don’t make the decisions until a couple months out. I did the Virginia Beach Rock N’ Roll in 2007 and they had some pretty sweet headliners all weekend. I don’t remember them all but I do remember getting drunk, riding a beach cruiser to see Leanne Rhimes, then getting more drunk at the concert and subsequently riding the beach cruiser on a very busy Labor Day boardwalk and crashed into some poor unsuspecting tourist. I bled….we all laughed (my peeps laughed, not the tourist). Not my proudest moment, but a great night of memories.