Saturday, September 19, 2009

Are you a runner or a jogger?

Yesterday someone asked me if I was a "jogger." It made me cringe. I didn't want to sound like an asshole and say, "No, I'm a runner," because non-runners don't know the difference. It was weird that I had that reaction though. I've read an article or two about what people consider 'runner' vs. 'jogger' but I never gave it any thought until that moment. Later that day I was at REI and one of the employees asked me, "Are you a runner?" and somehow I felt totally validated. "YES! I am." Ok, so I was wearing running shorts - but I like to think she asked that because I obviously have gorgeously strong runners legs, and it's my fantasy world so shut it. It was weird that both those questions happened within hours of each other and they both produced strong responses from me. Being called a jogger made me feel dirty, while being a runner somehow made me feel proud. In other news, I follow one of the fastest runners in the blogosphere (seriously) and she has THE BEST giveaway ever: a trigger point performance package. I've have wanted to buy this for myself for a while now. This is the first time I seriously don't want any of you to check it out a giveaway I've linked to my blog because that will only limit my chances, but in the spirit of awesome giveaways....good luck biathces. 22 miles on tap tomorow. Woot Woot!!


JBM said...

i was recently supporting some of my tri friends at a race and the traffic guy yelled out "hey watch out for the joggers" i could not help myself and replied with "they're not joggers they're TRIATHLETES!" good times

Kathleen said...

Yeah I hate it too...especially when my Mom tells her friends, "Oh yeah, my daughter went out on a 14-mile JOG today.."

Happy Feet 26.2 said...

This topic has come up several times on our local running club forum. While I do get it, and I can see the difference for many, I personally use the words interchangeably, but of my "running friends" I am definitely in the minority. Most of them HATE the word jog. I had used it in one of my posts and one of the members quickly corrected me and told me that I do not jog, I run. OK - if you say so! It's all good to me. Ha Ha

For me, what is entertaining and sometimes irritating is the lack of knowledge about the word marathon. How many times have I been asked "how far is this marathon?" I'm in Mississippi, the fattest state in the nation, so I understand that most have no concept of a marathon being 26.2 miles. Just have to laugh and want to cry sometimes. Ha!

Niki said...

The word jog makes me cringe too! If I am putting in all this effort and training super hard, at least refer to me as what I am... a RUNNER!! :) Good luck with 22 tomorrow! Can't wait to read the recap!

KK said...

Youa re nice to give up such a secret that could be so potentially lucrative...but, alas, I already have it so good luck right back atcha!

Good luck tomorrow-it'll be a long one but then you can eat whatever the heck you want after and not feel guilty about it one bit.

And yes you are a runner!!! Whover asked that jogger question should be tarred and feathered.

Katie said...

LOL... ya, who the heck wants to be a JOGGER?! Even though sometimes I may run a little slower than others does NOT make me a jogger. When you are passionate and dedicated to running - through thick and thin - you no longer fall anywhere near the "jogger" category!
Good luck on your run tomorrow... and thanks for the tip on the giveaway!!!

Unknown said...

Not a huge fan of the "jogger" term but once while on a trail run, a mountain biker called us "hikers!" That was WAY, WAY worse!
You gave me a giggle today...

Jamie said...

Some days it feels like a job but I RUN! Good luck with 22! You'll do great!

Missy said...

Good luck on your run. That's a tall order for sure. Yeah, jogger makes me cringe too. My father in law asks me about my jogging all the time as well - kills me.

Chloe said...

NICE 20+ miler from your gamin connect!! How did it feel!?!

Yeah - runner? jogger? triathlete? Cyclist? So many lables! I perfer being an 'active' wine drinker. :)

Tara said...

I hate the term jogger. I'm a runner! Even though what I do half of the time could be considered jogging. Also, I've heard that you aren't a REAL runner until you've had to shit on one of your runs. Been there done that.

Alisa said...

Jogger vs Runner has never bothered me maybe b/c I'm slow and I don't mind the term jogger. I definitely try to be sensitive to others feelings about it but I for one don't care a bit if someone calls me a jogger =).

Unknown said...

Although many casual joggers are much faster than me, I still consider myself a runner. For me, it's more about the lifestyle of a runner..the races, training plans, gear, etc. that is the dividing line between a runner and someone who just goes out and jogs a few miles a couple times a week.