Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"Crappy" Tempo run

No, seriously - I almost crapped my pants today on my tempo run. I had to cut it short to be safe. It was horrible. why? I didn't eat anything weird. The only thing I can think of is that my body hasn't done any 'speed' work in so long it kind of freaked out. The good news is that my legs felt awesome! I need to get my pace straightened out because it was too fast according to the schedule. I can't tell if that's good or bad? This is what was on the schedule: 5 miles including 3 @ 9:20 This is what I did: Mile 1 = 9:37 (154 HR) warm up Mile 2 = 8:57 (174 HR) 1st tempo mile Mile 3 = 9:11 (177 HR) 2nd tempo mile Mile .9 = 8:44 (183 HR) 3rd tempo mile I didn't make it to the last cool down mile. I'll have to work that in on my run tomorrow I guess.


Erin said...

You're the second person today (at least of those that I read) to blog about almost crapping their pants during a run. It's an epidemic!!

Missy said...

Baaaahhhaaaaa. Sorry, yep, been there. My personal reaction is to piss myself...not kidding. Squeeze those buns together and get to walkin!

Julianne said...

I'm sorry you didn't feel like you had a good tempo run in today... although, looks like you did a great job! Ok, now that you got a crappy tempo run in, it might be GREAT next week?? :-)

joyRuN said...

Whew that's fast! No wonder you almost crapped yo'self!!

I'm like Missy with the pee.

Aron said...

i haaaate when that happens :(

Alisa said...

Yikes! Been there...it IS NOT fun. Glad you made it through most of your run.

Hope your tummy is better today.

Anonymous said...

Nice job on the tempo run. I have had this happen and can never figure out why.

Amy said...

OMG, I am dying. Your first two sentences had me in tears. Glad you made it!

X-Country2 said...

I HATE when that happens. I start looking for bushes and trees at that point.

Jamie said...

I found you through another blog your blog title caught my eye - just had to comment. I had this happen a few weeks ago...it sucks! Nice job finishing the tempo run!