Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Thank God I Survived the Weekend......holy snikes. First, this cool chic runner is doing an awesome giveaway. A $75 dollar Zensah prize pack. Go check it out. Plus she is just a cool girl and always has great posts. She did a review on a couple of these products (arm warmers, sports bra) and had some really great things to say about them. This weekend was brutal. Particularly Saturday and Sunday. Saturday I ran 10 miles. No biggie. It was perfect weather.
10 miles/10:23 pace/166 bpm
But that is not what I survived this weekend. Saturday evening I went to my cousins wedding. Now, I know how my body responds to drinking after long(ish) runs. I think because I am a heavy sweater I loose a lot of electrolytes and obviously fluids. I usually get drunk a little faster than normal. This is not really a problem when I am home and usually only limited to one bottle of wine. Plus, on the comfort of my couch and DVR, I usually fall asleep before I get drunk. You would think knowing this I would have had the common sense to pace myself a little better. No! I did not. I proceeded to get totally shitfaced and literally spent that night sprawled over the toilet at my parents house. Damn you host bar! I actually passed out with my face on the shitter. I woke up sometime in the middle of the night with my face stuck to the bathroom floor. Not my proudest moment. I remember bits and pieces of the night. Thankfully, my family said I didn't make a fool of myself (more importantly to me was making a fool of them). Needless to say Sunday I spend recovering - at my parents house. It was bad. BAD. I think the last time that happened was after my bachelorette party, and before that I have not idea. Yes, I was the drunk cousin at the wedding.
Feeling much better now.


Niki said...

Great job on the 10 miles!

I've totally been there before, hugging the toilet. It's no fun then but it sure was fun drinking your way there!

{will run for margaritas} said...

haha, hilarious! I'm glad you got the 10 miles in before your big night - as opposed to attempting to do it on Sunday :)

Chic Runner said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA oh my gosh, that is a bummer but too funny. I will laugh at your unfortunate experience. ha ha Thanks for the shoutout too! :)

ShutUpandRun said...

I am loving this story. I had one of those nights last year in Vegas. Every once in awhile I'll forget I can't drink like that. At least you didn't get naked and hit on your cousin or did you?

Christy said...

Hahahahaha! I'm sorry, but that is so hilarious! I've been there sooooo many times. Actually, Saturday night I experienced something similar! A friend of the family invited my entire family to the lake to hang out at a cabin his family (who I've never met before) rented. (I hope that made sense.) I ended up getting shitfaced, and I can't remember if I embarrassed myself and my family or not! Ha! I worried about that all day Sunday!

Running and living said...

At least with all that running you did not have to worry about calories. Ana-Maria

Aron said...

lol ohhhh we have all had those days :) glad you are feeling better now though! hangovers seems to hurt more and last longer now, at least for me.

Missy said...

Baaahahahahwwaaaahahaha! I'm so pissed that I don't live closer because I would be your date for that shit. Nice job. Recovery totally blows.

KK said...

Wow, I wish I could say that I haven't been there before, but I have. Many times. More than a grown adult should be. You gotta have those benders though, they put a lot into perspective.

Glad you had sun and still got your workouts in!

Anonymous said...

Nice 10 miler! Glad you are recovering. Hope you had fun and it is always a plus when you don't make a fool out of yourself or your family.

Jamie said...

Hey there are no horror stories that's muy impressive. Me... now there would be stories and I would be THAT cousin :) Nice job on the 10!

joyRuN said...

Ouch. Passing out while kissing porcelain - OUCH!

At least you had fun getting there, right :)

Alisa said...

Oh boy! It happens. Thankfully, I've never experienced drunkness to the point of being sick when my parents were around.

Great 10 miles though!!!!