Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Puget Sound

Today I took the ferry to West Seattle to visit a girlfriend. It was a beyond gorgeous day -55 and sunny. I took some pictures but my camera is on the verge of shittin’ the bed and there are some weird-black-sperm looking spots on the photos. It has been doing this the last couple of times I used it so before heading home I stopped at Costco and got a new one. I tried to pick the best ones….Bear with me, the next ones will be better, I promise.
On the way out...
On the ferry...I look like a dork....it was windy....
Reading material on the ferry for our next road trip
View of Downtown from Alki

Alki Beach

the land in the distance is my home - Gig Harbor


jen said...

Omg I'm dying at the "shittin the bed" and "black sperm spots" description.. hilarious! It does look like someone spermed all over your shot. :(

It's soooo nice here too (Portland). Yay for sunshine! Sounds like a really fun day.

Jocelyn said...

OMG! I love love love the name of your blog! I would run for wine too!

Anonymous said...

hahaha I seriously love the pic descriptions!! I am in need of a new camera as well :)

Erin said...

I bet you could sell those photos to someone and claim those were "spirit spots"!

I love that your blog is named "Will Run for Wine". I'm planning to do the Napa-to-Sonoma half marathon in July and allegedly they sell shirts that says that there. I want one!

Thanks for following my blog! I've added yours to my reader as well.

Alisa said...

I love it!

I wanna come up to Seattle sometime. I've only been on ferries in New York.