Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So, I just got back from the PT's office again. They figured out that my left foot supinates more than my right and to compensate, when my foot pushes off the ground I am torquing my knee. This would explain why I get such vicious blisters on the outer ball of my left foot. Viscous blisters! They also figured out that my left leg is about 1/8" shorter than my right. Who knew. So, now we have to figure out how to correct it. I am going back on Friday to see another specialist and to talk about the possibility of orthotics. So in response - I am drinking tonight. Will I ever be able to run long distances again? I am trying to stay positive, but I am feeling heartbroken. I went to the track on Sunday and made it around once before I started feeling the onset of pain. I stopped immediately. I wish I could just get steroid injections like A-Rod.


Chic Runner said...

You will be able too! I hope you know that I'll be thinking/praying for you! I had orthotics before and they did the trick! Hope they work for you, don't give up just yet!

Sarah said...

Girl, if people with no legs can run, surely the doctors can figure this out! Good luck :)

jen said...

You're going to be fine! I just read in Runner's World that most people have a leg length discrepency and it is easily corrected. Be patient, I know you'll be running again soon babe! :)

Jocelyn said...

I'm pretty sure one of my legs is shorter than the other, because I notice it when I walk, although I think everyone has one leg and arm shorter than the other.
Stay positive and as my motto goes "there is nothing a glass of wine can't cure."It may take some time fore you can run long distance and it is SOOO frustrating - I was limited to one mile for a long time until my knee was better. Just do what you can and before you know it you'll be running 10Ks like they were going out of style :)

Alisa said...

You'll be back on the roads pain free in no time. Modern medicine--it's a wonderful thing.

I hear you with the vicious blisters, I wish I did not have pinky toes--that's where my blisters are.

Aron said...

hang in there girlie! you will totally be fine and out there running again. just listen to the dr and your body and you will be hitting the roads in no time.

Don't Get Me Started said...

Kristen, you are the most focused person I have ever met. If you are determined to continue running long distances, you will. No doubt about it. You'll find a way, and if there isn't one available, you'll make one!

Anonymous said...

hnag in there and keep you're head up! It can be very frustrating being injured, but I am sure your docs can figure out what's best for you :) but drinking wine in the mean time isn't a bad idea :)

Anonymous said...

My left foot supinates more than my right too! I've always wondered if orthotics would help me, so let me know.

I hope everything goes ok. I'm sure you'll be able to run long distances.

Denise said...

You'll be able to! Hang in there, they'll figure something out.

Alisa said...

Re your comment:

I pretty much make up my own swim workouts BUT I get inspiration sometimes from this site: http://ruthkazez.com/50swimworkouts.html